Tag: digestion

4 nourishments for good digestion a dietitian consistently keeps in the fridge for $7 or less

4 nourishments for good digestion a dietitian consistently keeps in the fridge for $7 or less

People's gut health is associated with all that it appears. A shortlist mood, immunity, and obviously digestive health. No wonder doctors and dietitians want people's microbiome to be full of great bacteria. Nourishments for good digestion don't need to break the bank either. Here, registered dietitians Nour Zibdeh, RD, and Westchester Medical Center clinical nutrition manager Pauline Hackney Nanjari, RD, shares the healthy nourishments to stock individuals' fridge with to keep their gut thriving throughout the entire year. Nourishments for good digestion under $7 Yogurt Zibdeh and Nanjari both have this on their gut-healthy nourishment lists since yogurt is a decent source of probiotics. (Also, alt-yogurt is as well, so dairy-free eaters can even now receive the benefits....